MastodonApp UK Database Outage Thursday 4th January 2024 15:33:07

Our database server host has ran out of disk space causing a major outage to our database server. We are working to bring services back online.

The data transfer has completed for our network infrastructure and full service has been restored. We will be looking to perform further maintenance behind the scenes to resolve some minor outstanding points.

We have completed the data transfer and as hoped have a significant amount more disk space available now on the host as a result of this migration back and forth. We will need to perform further emergency maintenance tomorrow to resolve some outstanding issues as well as some urgent maintenance to fully resolve this issue going forward and prevent it from hopefully happening again in the future.

The migration of the data to the new storage environment did succeed however the storage is not as fast or as reliable as it requires. This has however reduced the size of the disk to free-up enough capacity to move the server storage back without causing further outages.

We have provisioned additional infrastructure and started to migrate aspects onto this infrastructure. We are currently working to migrate the storage from our database server onto this infrastructure to enable us to complete a further migration in the coming days to resolve this issue on a longer term basis.

We are currently purchasing and deploying additional infrastructure to resolve this issue in the short term. We will need to work to validate that the approach scales in the longer term.